Discover the secrets how to grow lithops!

Plants that can survive in the driest places of the world, pretending to be stones. Learn how to grow them!

Characteristics of living stones

Discover the botanical secrets of lithops and find out natural conditions where they thrive best in nature.

Principles of growing mesembs

A comprehensive guide to proper care: from choosing a location, through watering and repotting, to pest control.

Calendar of growing for lithops

Organize your cultivation properly with growing tips for every month of the year.

Become an expert in growing living stones!

Richly illustrated publication allows to get to know the beauty of lithops and mesembs. Visual complement of detailed descriptions makes this publication not only a valuable source of knowledge, but also an inspiring journey through the world of plants. Will attract anyone who wants to get closer to the unique nature of “living stones”.

What are lithops and mesembs?

Lithops belonging to the Aizoaceae family are plants that not only impress with their form, but also have the ability to store water, which makes them ideal for growing in dry conditions. Thanks to the guide “The Cultivation of Lithops and Other Living Stones” you will learn all their secrets, from their natural environment to advanced home cultivation techniques.

Immerse yourself in the world of some of the most extraordinary plants on Earth! Lithops, also known as living stones, are African succulents that have an amazing ability to blend into their rocky surroundings, effectively protecting themselves from threats. If you are passionate about succulents, cacti or just love plants, this guide is for you!

A Guide to the Fascinating World of Succulents

This manual is for people who:

are beginner to intermediate growers of lithops and other mesembs,

are looking for expert knowledge on lithops cultivation,

want to know how to achieve success and enjoy a flourishing collection,

are looking for detailed botanical descriptions and practical advice on propagation and care,

dream of their lithops and other mesembs growing healthily and beautifully.

Why do you need to have this guide?

You will learn everything you need to know to successfully grow lithops, whether you are a beginner or already have experience with living stones.

You will learn how to provide lithops with the right conditions step by step: how to water, repot and propagate these plants.

You will start acting according to calendar of growing.

You will learn about the most common threats to your plants and how to combat them effectively.

You’ll read tips adapted to temperate climates, but you’ll also find information about modifications that work well in other conditions.

You will discover the facts and say goodbye to myths about these extraordinary plants.

You will see detailed photographs that will help you learn about the diversity of lithops and admire their beauty.

What will you find in the guide?

The most important information for breeders

Here you will find everything you need to make your lithops and other mesembs grow healthy and beautiful.

How often should I water my lithops?

Should I remove dried leaf remains from previous seasons?

How to place mesas on a window sill?

What conditions should be provided in a greenhouse?

How to fight pests and prevent diseases?

Should lithops be fertilized?

How to care for mesembs depending on the season?

How to prepare lithops for sowing?

Which lithops species can be propagated by cuttings and how to do it?

How to care for a conophyte?

Table of Contents

Part I. Characteristics of living stones

Contains a botanical description of the family and answers the question of where and under what conditions these plants occur in nature.


  1. What are living stones
  2. Where and in what conditions living stones grow
  3. Place of occurrence
  4. Climate
  5. Soils
  6. How are Mesembryanthemum species (Mesembs, Midday Flowers) built
  7. How mesembs adapted to the harsh living conditions
  8. The specific way of growth
Part II. Principles of growing mesembs

It consists of tips on, for example, locating the collection, ensuring the right temperature, proper pouring, and correct repotting.


  1. Lithops – the most popular representative of the mesembs family
  2. How to succeed in growing lithops and other mesembs living in the rhythm of the northern hemisphere
  3. The location of collection
  4. Growing on the windowsill
  5. Ensuring optimal temperature
  6. Outdoor growing
  7. Growing in a window “greenhouse box”
  8. Growing of mesembs in a greenhouse
  9. Growing mesembs without covers
  10. Detailed rules for care
  11. Flowerpots
  12. Subsoil
  13. Replanting
  14. Watering
  15. Fertilization
  16. Reproduction of mesembs
  17. Generative reproduction
  18. Preparing a sowing substrate
  19. Sowing containers
  20. Propagator
  21. Method of sowing
  22. Care for seedlings
  23. Vegetative reproduction
  24. How to fight pests and prevent disease
  25. Pest
  26. Diseases of mesembs
  27. Conophytum – a species living in the rhythm of the southern hemisphere
  28. Where and in what conditions Conophyta grow
  29. Climatic conditions
  30. Structure
  31. Care
  32. Reproduction
  33. Calendar of growing for lithops and other mesembs
Part III. Overview of selected genera of mesembs

Consists of short characteristics of representatives of the Aizoaceae family and the principles of their cultivation.


  1. Genus Aloinopsis
  2. Genus Argyroderma
  3. Genus Dinteranthus
  4. Genus Faucaria
  5. Genus Fenestraria
  6. Genus Gibbaeum
  7. Genus Glottiphyllum
  8. Genus Lapidaria
  9. Genus Pleiospilos
  10. Genus Rhombophyllum
  11. Genus Tanquana
  12. Genus Titanopsis
Cultivars and aberrations among lithops

Cultivars and aberrations among lithops

Instead of an ending. Facts and myths about growing mesembs

Instead of an ending. Facts and myths about growing mesembs



about the guide

The "The Cultivation of Lithops and Other Living Stones" is:

  • a compendium of knowledge for mesembs growers,
  • a practical tool that will help you at every stage of cultivation,
  • botanical description and occurrence of living stones,
  • essential elements of care for individual lithops species (including: Aloinopsis, Faucaria, Gibbaeum, Lapidaria),
  • help in choosing the substrate and pot,
  • explanation of technical issues of planting and propagation,
  • tips for effective disease and pest control,
  • care regimens adapted to the seasons,
  • explaining the myths about growing mesembs,
  • high-quality photographs of lithops in nature and in captivity,
  • description of the 12 types of mesembs,
  • 138 pages in electronic format (e-book).


See ebook sample

Opinions from readers

“This is an excellent ebook for Lithops growers. The text explains soil choices and watering practices that are very helpful. Additionally, the photography and printing quality is fantastic.”

“A really smart looking ebook, full of great advice from an absolute world expert in the field.”

“Wonderful ebook, tons of valuable information and beautiful photography. Definitely worth every cent!”

“A really well written and easy to follow ebook with nice pictures. Recommended.”

“Very informative ebook with full color photos, the author is very knowledgeable. Great for any level gardener. Thank you!”

“This ebook is now my favorite reference for growing lithops.”

A unique guide on lithops cultivation!

Buy now!

EBOOK The Cultivation of Lithops and Other Living Stones



Piotr Dzieduszyński

is a true authority in the world of “living stone” enthusiasts. He has over thirty years of experience in growing lithops, and his impressive collection of mesas, the result of many years of passion and scientific research, is considered one of the largest in Poland.

A member of prestigious associations, he not only cares for plants, but also shares his knowledge through many lectures, publications and exhibitions. For his activities in 2023 he was awarded the Golden Badge by the Polish Society of Cactus Lovers.

Original nature photographs

The ebook contains many photographs of plants in their natural environment, so you can better understand their appearance, characteristics and growth patterns. The author of the nature photos is Jaromir Chvastek.

Do you dream of a collection of unusual succulents?

“The Cultivation of Lithops and Other Living Stones” is an ebook that will show you how to fully exploit the potential of these fascinating plants and provide you with the information you need to make your home collection flourish!